Where do I start? I saw The Album Leaf on Friday at Neumo's. In A Safe Place, the latest cd, has been the soundtrack to summer for me. It is stunning, beautiful, sweeping, gorgeous, magical and just plain good!
The Album Leaf is Jimmy Lavelle of Tristeza fame. On his latest record, Lavelle travelled from his home of San Diego to Iceland. There he gathered some fellow musicians (Múm and Sigur Rós) to collaborate on this moody masterpiece.
The results are breathtaking. The coupling of actual instruments alongside laptop generated sounds creates a landscape of sheer and utter beauty. This release prompted me to head out and buy everyhing I could find that said "Album Leaf". I have not been let down. I was thrilled to see that Lavelle was coming to town along with 3 other musicians in promotion of this latest release. The show was gorgeous! The live violin was nothing short of mesmerizing. There were times I literally found myself breathless. The perfect combination of an orchestral electronic sound resulted in nothing but pleasure for the lucky crowd who was there to witness this evening. The group was humble and quiet throughout their set and let the music do the talking. 75 minutes were just not long enough. I will be first in line the next time The Album Leaf grace Seattle with another gig. Check this record out! You will not be sorry. (karen.08.04)
The Album Leaf is the solo recording project of Jimmy LaVelle, a classically-trained pianist and musician from California who you may already know from such bands as Tristeza or Black Heart Procession.
His solo project is just as atmospheric and lovely as the other bands he's been involved with. On this five song EP, he adds electronic beats to ambient noise. "Malmo" opens with a sample of a crackling record player before the speedy beats kick in, giving it a sort-of Postal Service on amphetamines feel. Other songs, such as "Christiansands", have a more organic slowcore feel with guitar and drums.
LaVelle just signed to Sub Pop Records who'll be releasing his third album, titled "In a Safe Place", in June 2004. The album was recorded in Iceland, with the help of members of both Sigur Rós and Múm. If it's anything as beautiful as this EP, I'll be first in line to buy it! (janice.05.04)
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