And then it was time to turn around and head back home. : ) After an awesome Howard Johnson breakfast of peach yogurt, a blueberry muffin, and peach fruit juice (Mike had a bagel and a bowl of cereal...great breakfast variety!), we jumped back in the car and said good-bye to Athens, listening to R.E.M.'s "Murmur" on the way out.
We drove through Atlanta, GA, and let me just say, that when we first drove through downtown Atlanta on the way to Athens Sunday night, I just about lost my mind! Atlanta is probably the biggest city I've ever seen! The buildings are huge and everything was so bright and sparkly and pretty! Mike said it looked like Gotham City. : )
The drive home was uneventful. We were tired and a little cranky. The rainstorms were frequent and super-heavy, and having to drive through them made me tense and stressed out. We did, however, stop in Mississippi to get our thrift clothes for the next day. What an experience that was! The city was so old and the buildings so pretty! (Just see the picture to the right...) And as we were leaving town, we realized we were driving on Sela Ward Parkway! She must have grown up there or something. Sela Ward! The annoying Sprint actress! Gag!
We drove as much as we could, having dinner at this icky fast food Italian restaurant. I was fascinated. You never think of Italian food as "fast food" but here it was! It must be a new chain that will eventually branch out into Texas or something. We drove all day until we couldn't drive anymore, stopping in Shreveport, LA, for the night. Once again, I crawled into bed, clutching the remote control like a teddy bear. TV can be so comforting when you're on the road. When everything is strange and unfamiliar, it helps to turn on an old episode of The Simpsons and feel at least a little bit connected.
wednesday, august 2, 2000
By this time, we had played out all the MTV trivia cards. So our last day of driving was filled with pathetic attempts to play "Six Degrees of Kevin Bacon." But when we couldn't think of many Kevin movies, we changed it to "Six Degrees of Winona Ryder" who is just as acceptable in this game! We were so tired. We thankfully got home around evening, after driving all day through the small country towns of Texas (and checking our their thrift stores, of course...). After dinner at our beloved Kerbey Lane Cafe, we came home and collapsed into bed. But it was a really fun, wonderful trip and I'd do it again in a heartbeat! ; )
(Just not anytime soon, thank you...) ; )
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